We Are deVOTEd

The Ohio Women’s Alliance is staunchly opposed to House Bill 294, an Ohio Voter Suppression bill, that would disproportionately harm voters of color, womxn, disabled, Black, young, elder, queer, and poor and working-class people by even further increasing limitations on our voting access and freedoms.


HB 294, referred to as the Election Modernization and Security Act, was introduced into the Ohio State Legislature on May 6th, 2021. There is nothing modern about this bill. In fact, this legislation will turn the tides of progress backward in Ohio by adding additional barriers targeting specific voting populations. Black women in particular—America’s most reliable voting bloc—have fought voter suppression as a means of ending white supremacy. This bill derails our momentum and retains power to those historically on top. HB 294 is a bill created out of fear of our growing people power. 

This bill serves as another example of how certain legislators in the statehouse are committed to oppressing individuals belonging to the most vulnerable and marginalized communities.

“Our vote is our voice, and legislators know that is a direct threat to their power. When we vote, we challenge institutionalized racism, inequitable economics, and harmful socio-political policies. However this bill will not kill our spirit!! Women, especially Black women, have been at the forefront of this movement and will not allow our electorate, our democracy, or our votes to be stolen. We are not fearful! We are not devastated! We are ignited! We are activated! We are energized,” Alana Garrett-Ferguson, Organizing & Social Impact Manager at Ohio Women’s Alliance declares. 

This voter suppression bill is an insult to cultural and historical tactics that Black and brown communities have used to overcome voter suppression. Ohio made history during the 2020 election as many voters cast absentee ballots for the first time or voted early, transforming what more accessible voting can look like in the state of Ohio. House Bill 294 would reduce the window of time in which a voter can request their absentee ballot as well as eliminate pre-paid postage for absentee ballots, barring poor and working-class voters from participating in our democracy. 

“A participatory democracy ensures that every person can access the ballot box, and last week legislators in Ohio showed us once again that they do not want every eligible voter in Ohio to vote,” says Ohio Women’s Alliance Co-Director, Erin Scott. “Shortening early voting hours excludes even more people from participating in our elections, particularly women and women of color who need more flexibility than ever as primary caregivers amidst a pandemic. Our lawmakers should be ensuring we all have safe, accessible elections instead of creating more hurdles for the most vulnerable Ohioans to vote. House Bill 294 is nothing more than another partisan attempt to disenfranchise hard-working Ohioans who deserve to be heard and have a right to access the ballot box.”

Ohioans deserve better. Women deserve better. 

Add your name to the list to be notified as soon as this bill is introduced in committee and help us gather signatures for a petition to hold our legislature accountable:

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