The Road to the Ballot

This afternoon, Ohioans for Reproductive Freedom filed language with the Ohio Attorney General to place a citizen-initiated Constitutional amendment to restore and protect reproductive rights and abortion access on the ballot this November. THANK YOU to the many volunteers who signed petitions over the weekend to help us reach this critical moment in our campaign!

Ohio Women's Alliance is a founding member of the Ohioans for Reproductive Freedom (ORF) steering committee, and we stand in proud partnership with ACLU Ohio, Planned Parenthood Advocates of Ohio, Pro-Choice Ohio, Preterm-Cleveland, Abortion Fund of Ohio, New Voices for Reproductive Justice, and URGE Ohio. Click to join us in this historic fight by making a gift today!

“As a Reproductive Justice organization fighting for abortion access in our state, the moment is here for us to protect what is rightfully ours. Ohio Women's Alliance believes in the Reproductive Justice principles founded by Black women who gathered to improve reproductive health care conditions. Today, nearly 30 years later, we come together again to say abortion is health care and demand full reproductive freedom.,” says OWA Co-Founder & Co-Executive Director Rhiannon Carnes

“Ohio Women's Alliance, alongside our partners and the people of Ohio, will lead all efforts in this ballot initiative to ensure abortion access is no longer politicized but instead recognized as an essential healthcare need. When we put this amendment to a vote, Ohioans will join together to tell anti-reproductive freedom politicians in our Governor's seat and the Statehouse what we have known all along—WE are the only people who should be making decisions about our lives, our families, and our communities. And we have the power—through this ballot measure—to make sure the Ohio Constitution protects our rights to move on from the archaic, dangerous ideologies that have been harming Ohioans for far too long.

We WILL create an Ohio where all people can truly thrive.”

Will you join us on the road to the ballot? Click here here to make a donation to support the fight today! 

Mary Ellen Madden