Giving Tuesday is a day of radical giving, typically occurring at the end of the year to support nonprofit organizations as we close out our year. This year, however, things are different. We are living in a global pandemic that has changed everything.
Women and femmes are essential. We are leading the way through the pandemic as nearly 52% of all essential workers are women. This includes about 77% of healthcare workers, 78% of social workers and more than 66% of grocery store and fast-food employees. 9 out of 10 nurses, nursing assistants, respiratory therapists, and pharmacists are women.
Our work is undervalued and underpaid. Women are an "unseen labor force that keeps the country running and takes care of those most in need and it's becoming more apparent during the pandemic." says the New York Times. These gaps in wages and societal value are even more exacerbated when it comes to women of color, particularly Black women. To add insult to injury, Black women are also the most disproportionately impacted population by the coronavirus itself.
This Giving Tuesday consider contributing to our COVID Relief fund for OWA Cooperative members who are dealing with financial difficulties during the pandemic. Our members are the heartbeat of our organization and their work is integral to keeping our state going and pushing us forward. We know time are tough but if you are financially able to support, it is deeply appreciated. Many of our Cooperative members have organizations of their own that need your support as well, such as Motherful and the Black Mamas Bailout.
Thank you so much for supporting women and femmes!