Member Spotlight!
Kenyona “Sunny” Matthews is an Ohio Women's Alliance member from Cleveland! Sunny is a motivational speaker focusing on issues of diversity, inclusion, and anti-racism. She is a University of Akron School of Law graduate who focused on civil liberties. She earned her bachelor’s degree from Guilford College majoring in Political Science, Philosophy, and African American Studies. In 2016, Sunny co-founded Dimensions of Isms with Ginger Bakos. What started out as a three-part workshop on diversity issues (racism, classism, sexism) became a grassroots organization. The vision for Dimensions of Isms is to bring awareness and progression to societal issues through training in corporate environments, church workshops, speaking engagements, and other civil and social organizations. Sunny continues to speak with various organizations throughout the United States including: TEDx Series, Indivisible, Big Love, K thru 12 schools, colleges, nonprofits, and Women’s March on Washington.
On November 20th, Sunny is sharing her expertise with the Ohio Women’s Alliance in her very own ‘Isms with Sunny workshop! This workshop will explore how racism affects our communities through self-segregation, and why saying "Let's all just come together" is easier said than done. We will also discuss some of the core definitions that inform conversations about race including racism, bigotry, privilege, white supremacy vs white superiority, and more. If you would like to be a part of a conversation that leads to greater understanding and affirming the humanity in us all, we invite you to be a part of this workshop! This workshop is open to the public and we do ask that you RSVP. Space is limited, so grab your seat today!