Action Against Racism

By: Tessa Xuan

Seeing the recent rise in anti-Chinese and anti-Asian racism, I’m having flashbacks to my childhood. I grew up in Ohio in predominantly white communities and for so many years, I felt deep shame and internalized racism about my eyes, my face, my family, and my heritage. Stories about people of color were mostly absent from media and history class. Random taunts about our race hurled at us while walking down High Street after class. It’s terrifying to imagine all the bullying and harassment children have faced since fear about the coronavirus first began spreading in January, and the racism they will continue to face when returning back to their schools.

Trump has been fueling racist hysteria with his words ('I know the best words') since at least 1989 when he publicly called for the execution of 5 innocent black teens. Throughout U.S. history, immigrant communities have been unfairly targeted and blamed in times of national crisis. Ohio politicians have even recently compared the coronavirus to Pearl Harbor and 9/11, which is extremely dangerous in the absence of anti-racist messaging and actions.

Chinese diaspora communities and AAPIs across Ohio are experiencing heightened anxiety in this environment of racial trauma, fear, and uncertainty. Silence from our public officials has been dangerous. That’s why Ohio Progressive Asian Women's Leadership - OPAWL and our amazing allies are amplifying a sign-on letter to push our elected officials to break their silence and stand together against racism. Please read and sign-on by Wednesday March 25:

To be clear, I actually love Ohio. Ohio has made me who I am. There are amazing people living here, and the huge amount of support for this letter in the past 2 days affirms that! (You can see the full sign-on list at Thank you to all our community's black, brown, indigenous, and white allies who know that our struggles are connected. We will get through this crisis together or not at all.

#RacismIsAVirus #IAmNotAVirus #JeNeSuisPasUnVirus

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