On February 24, 2022, Russia launched a large-scale invasion of Ukraine in an attempt to overthrow the government and take control of the country. They launched missile and artillery attacks on major cities, including their capital, Kyiv.
While tens of thousands of citizens were able to flee the country, thousands of people were also injured or killed during these open attacks on civilians.
Ohio Women’s Alliance stands in solidarity with the people of Ukraine and condemns this war. We also recognize the importance of acknowledging the blatant racism happening to black people attempting to flee the country in search of safety and condemn these acts as well.
We urge you to stand with all people of Ukraine by doing one of the following:
Donate to reputable organizations that are providing aid and refuge to all Ukrainian citizens.
Tell your elected representatives that the time is now to speak out against the war in Ukraine.
Uplift and amplify reputable voices sharing imperative information via social media.