Apply for The RJ Table

The Reproductive Justice Table is a space explicitly dedicated to helping young leaders (ages 18-27 years old) in Ohio identify, innovate, and launch their own ideas while being supported by experienced leaders in Reproductive Justice (RJ) through a holistic approach lens.

The RJ Table is where you will receive practical wellness and technical skill development through curated support to enhance leadership growth. Participants will receive facilitated training on collective strategy, advancing issue campaigns, and increasing capacity building towards expanding reproductive justice for all people in Ohio.

Click here to apply for the inaugural Reproductive Justice Table cohort today!

We have partnered with United For Reproductive and Gender Equity (URGE) to launch the inaugural Reproductive Justice Table. Here are 5 reasons to apply today:

  1. As a member of the cohort, you’ll be able to skillshare and build relationships with other Ohio-established and emerging leaders.

  2. You will be able to co-create this experience by guiding the content and pace of an RJ campaign in a healthy and restorative way. 

  3. During this year-long cohort, you will experience 4 RJ retreats and attend monthly sessions that involve specialized skill development and wellness support through a Reproductive Justice lens.

  4. Connect with other young leaders who share similar interests and a passion for reproductive justice. 

  5. You will also receive a $2,000 stipend at the end of this year-long cohort.

If you’re between the ages of 18 and 27 and want to expand reproductive justice throughout Ohio, apply to the Ohio Women's Alliance Reproductive Justice Table, a space to center healing, justice, and power.  

The application closes on March 8, 2022. Click here to learn more and apply today!