Census Outreach

As we approach both Election Day and the deadline to be counted in the 2020 Census, many organizations across Ohio are working hard to ensure that their members and the people they serve have all of the resources necessary to both vote and be counted. The Columbus(OH) Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated is one of these organizations. 

We first met the Columbus Deltas as a part of our participation in the Ohio Census Advocacy Coalition. The Ohio Women’s Alliance is the Central Ohio Regional Lead and the Columbus Alumnae Chapter is a grant recipient of funds from the coalition. Under the guidance and leadership of President Deborah Pickens, and the Social Action Co-Chair, Gwendolyn Woods the Chapter has been working tirelessly along with the local chapter members to bring awareness, education and opportunity to complete the census and register people to vote. The sorority is partnering with community members and organizations to conduct car caravans, texting and social media initiatives to get people to do three important things: complete the 2020 Census by September 30th, to register to vote, and finally to go to the polls in November to vote. 

The Chapter’s involvement with the Census began in September 2019, and the active efforts to promote the 2020 Census and the new online option was promoted during the Columbus Alumnae Chapter’s Founder’s Day celebration in February 2020. The original plan was to utilize electronic tablets to assist individuals in the Mifflin and other undercounted communities to complete the Census online where the use of a computer and/or internet access might not be available in the home.  However the efforts had to be modified in response to COVID-19 and social distancing guidelines, so in April they worked to increase their texting and social media efforts to provide awareness and education on the importance of the Census and the need to be counted.

In light of the continued COVID-19, the ladies of Delta Sigma Theta began incorporating the use of electronic tablets as a guidance and informational tool as people began to frequent public places that included the peaceful protests and other community events in June.  Mrs. Woods explains that, “The electronic tablets have been a wonderful tool to help people navigate the census and voting websites as well as facilitate the completion and registration process while maintaining the six feet distancing guidelines”.  The chapter has successfully conducted car caravans that stretched as large as 30 vehicles long in which members drive through Franklin County neighborhoods handing out swag bags and sharing information and communicating the importance and urgency of completing the census and voter registration. Ms. Woods explains that this year’s social action efforts have provided the opportunity to partner with a variety of organizations to incorporate voter engagement and census completion in one movement. 

The motivation to do this work is part of the effort to continue Delta Sigma Theta’s mission of public service with a primary focus of the Black community. The Sorority’s 5-Point programmatic thrust includes Economic Development, Educational Development, International Awareness & Involvement, Physical & Mental Health, and Political Awareness & Involvement.  The local projects, programming and efforts in the Franklin County community resulted in the Columbus (OH) Alumnae Chapter being selected as the 2018-2019 Chapter of the Year for the Midwest Region. The chapter’s efforts will continue on this initiative through October and will expand to include candidates and community forums in partnership with a variety of community partners and organizations.   

 To learn more about the work the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Columbus Alumnae Chapter is doing or to become involved with their efforts, you can look at their website or follow their social media accounts.  

Website: https://www.columbusohdeltas.org/

Instagram: @columbusohdeltas

Facebook: Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Columbus - OH Alumnae Chapter

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