Rally for Our Vote

JOIN US: As we rally together for our voting rights on Thursday, June 24th from 10 am to 12 pm at the Ohio Statehouse! 

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Hundreds of Ohioans will gather at the Ohio Statehouse tomorrow, Thursday, June 24, to rally for protected voting rights amid proposed legislation that threatens access to the ballot box in Ohio. The rally is being led by the Ohio Unity Coalition out of Toledo, Ohio, in partnership with over 25 groups, including community-based organizations, labor unions, and membership-based associations.

 Buses will be available for free transportation from Akron, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Dayton, Elyria, Toledo and Youngstown! Refreshments will be served and CDC transportation guidelines will be followed. 

 For general questions about the rally please contact

Petee Talley at ptalley@ohiounity.org or (567) 302-1801.

Youngstown - departs at 6:30 am

New Bethel Baptist Church - 1507 Hillman Akron 7:30 am Food and Pantry Outlet - 1525 S. Hawkins Ave. Contact: Jaladah 330-727-5758

Cleveland - departs at 7:00 am

Greater Abyssinia Church 1161 E. 105th Street Contact: Pam 216-268-9658

Elyria - departs at 7:30 am

Midway Mall 6650 Midway Blvd. Contact: 440-323-3364

Toledo - departs at 7:00 am

UAW Local 14 Union 5411 Jackman Contact: 419-473-2854 or 419-450-1301

Dayton - departs at 8:00 am

Northwest Shopping Center Siebenthaler & Philadelphia Drive Contact: Tom 937-478-7895

Cincinnati - departs at 7:30 am

Meet at Corinthian Baptist Church, 920 Tennessee Ave. CONTACT: 513-281-1900

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